Product: Guitars and Basses
Location: Markneukirchen
Since: 1982
A family business since its beginnings, Warwick’s story began in 1946, when Fred Wilfer founded the company Fränkische Musikinstrumentenerzeugung Fred Wilfer, known as Framus, in Erlangen. In the following decades Framus grew to become the largest and most important guitar manufacturer in Europe, not least because of the incredible boom in guitar production in the sixties ignited by the unparalleled popularity of the Beatles. The company’s history is bound closely to its relationship with its stars. Among the successful collaborations are the guitarist Billy Lorento and the Rolling-Stones-Musician Bill Wyman. This atmosphere strongly influenced Hans-Peter Wilfer’s childhood, and in 1982 he founded the bass guitar manufacturer Warwick. As a result of rapid growth the company relocated to Markneukirchen in 1995, and at this new headquarters the meanwhile declined Framus gained new life.
Warwick places enormous importance on environmental protection and environmentally responsible practices. As such it is the first manufacturer in the music industry to produce instruments, which are completely climate-neutral. Combining technology and craftsmanship in their modern production facilities, Warwick comes very close to achieving perfection in the art of instrument making. For the production of its basses and guitars, Warwick takes great care in the selection of building materials and their treatment to ensure that each instrument is one of a kind.
Over the years Warwick has developed numerous product lines with over 40 different basses and guitars available. The instruments of the two “masterbuilt” lines Framus and Warwick are true masterpieces. Of critical importance for the creation of these basses and guitars is naturally the wood, for this line Warwick uses exotic woods like afzelia and bubinga. Precious CITES certified Brasilian rosewood also finds its calling here at the hands of Warwick’s instrument makers. With close attention to detail the bodies of the instruments are fitted with Just-A-Nut III Brass-Saddles as well as bronze frets. Together the stunning aesthetic details and tonal capability release the unmistakable “sound of wood”.